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Josep Borrell, Haut Représentant de l’UE, a mené bien des combats tout au long de son mandat qui arrive à expiration.

On se souviendra surtout de deux d’entr’eux en Ukraine et à Gaza. 

Deux crises majeures et meurtrières qui persistent et s’aggravent de jour en jour menaçant à la fois la paix et l’ordre internationaux.   

Sur l’Ukraine, M.Borrell a pu s’appuyer sur les Institutions et les États membres de l’Union dont il a coordonné les réactions. 

Sur Gaza (et l’ensemble de la région), il n’a pas obtenu le soutien d’une Europe divisée et tétanisée : " I have never seen such a dividing issue among the Europeans, as the Israel-Palestine conflict". 

Nous reprenons ici des extraits de son discours devant la la Ligue des États Arabes ce 10 septembre 2024 - comme sans doute l’un des ultimes témoignages de son engagement solitaire sur le conflit israélo-palestinien,

League of Arab States: Opening remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell at the Ministerial Meeting


Cairo, Egypt

"Almost a year after the terrorist attack by Hamas that the European Union has strongly condemned, the situation is - strictly speaking - catastrophic both from a humanitarian and political point of view with no positive outlook in sight. 

Why? Quite simply, because those who are waging the war have no interest in putting an end to it. So, they are just pretending. Less and less pretending. Because, as it turns out, their intransigence is accompanied by total impunity.

If acts have no consequences, if blatant violation of international law remains disregarded, if institutions such as the International Criminal Court are threatened, if the International Court of Justice rulings are totally ignored by those who promote a rules-based order, who can be trusted?  

Not only is there no pause in the war in Gaza. But what looms on the horizon is the extension of the conflict to the West Bank.

A new front is being opened with a clear objective: to turn the West Bank into a new Gaza – in rising violence, delegitimising the Palestinian authority and stimulating provocations to react forcefully, and not shying away from saying to the face of the world that the only way to reach a peaceful settlement is to annex the West Bank and Gaza.

Yes, without action, the West Bank will become a new Gaza. And Gaza will become a new West Bank, as settler’s movements are preparing new settlements. 

I think we need to restate the basic principles of a settlement. The legal bases are here and have been clearly stated by the International Court of Justice. What is missing is the political will to implement them.

Keep in mind that the Israeli society is deeply divided and traumatised by October 7. We must talk to them. Ostracising Israeli society serves no purpose.

The Israeli government and the Israeli society need to be considered as two different things.

The Europeans need to adopt a common approach. That is what I am working tirelessly on, – even if the success is limited, because I have never seen such a dividing issue among the Europeans, as the Israel-Palestine conflict."  

(Our bold print)





Jean-Guy Giraud

10 - 09 - 2024


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