Le 23 novembre 2024, le Haut Représentant de l’UE, M. Josep Borrell, a prononcé un de ses derniers discours sur le conflit palestinien.
Nous reprenons ici les seuls éléments de ce plaidoyer en faveur du respect du droit international et d’un rôle plus actif de l’UE à et égard.
Keynote speech by the High Representative Josep Borrell at the meeting of the Two-State Coalition for Israel and Palestine.
« The world is in a critical juncture today, maybe in the most critical juncture in our lifetime
This conflict could drag the whole humanity into the abyss
If I say that the conflict will affect the whole world is because it has already taken a global dimension
As European Union, we have to think how we can implement the decisions not only of the International Criminal Court, but also of the International Court of Justice
The (…) thing that we have to do is to protect the international law
We cannot pretend to hold a rule based international order and not implement the decision of the International Criminal Court
We must ensure that the ICC is able to function without the impediment of any third party and without threats and intimidation
We cannot stay idle when the United Nations, its leaders, its agencies, its staff on the ground are being ignored, obstructed, humiliated and even assaulted. No European Union member state, European Union institution, international community can look to the other side while the United Nations highest officials and the people in the ground risking their lives are being insulted, ignored, threatened and even killed.
We have to make use of EU leverage, we have leverage but it has to be used.
We are very good at denouncing international law violations, we should be good when also this violation is being performed by our close partner.
Israel is our close partner, we have with Israel the strongest association agreement that we could imagine with any other country in the world
Our close partner seems to be ready to violate international law or they are already violating international law, why don’t we use the same standards that we used in Crimea
We are the strongest partner of Israel with trade and many other issues. I think that this close cooperation now is at risk of not moving forward in light of continuous violation of international law and human rights in the Palestinians territories
Do not say that everybody is anti-Semitic. I am not anti-Semitic, the Secretary General of the United Nations is not anti-Semitic, the Spanish Prime Minster is not anti-Semitic, the workers of United Nations agencies are not anti-Semitic. Let’s not use this word in vain. »
Cette défense obstinée du droit international - et même du droit européen - de la part du Haut Représentant doit être soulignée.
D’autant plus qu’elle tranche avec l’ « aphasie » (1) des deux Institutions qu’il préside (Conseil Affaires Étrangères) - ou dont il est le Vice Président (Commission).